Apply to be part of
Open Studios Hebrides 2024
New members always welcome
Deadline for applications to be part of Open Studios Hebrides
main Summer event
29th FEBRUARY 2024
Join Open Studios Hebrides
We are now taking membership applications for 2024.
Forms and full information are lower down on this page.
We are a group of artists and makers living and working in Lewis and Harris. We volunteer our time and resources to make our Open Studios event happen each year.
We believe that the term ‘ARTIST’ covers a wide range of creative disciplines and abilities, including crafts.
Become a Member
Please read the OSH Members Handbook, it contains a wealth of information about joining, benefits, terms and conditions, insurance, opening your studio, etc.
Please provide your details by filling in our interactive membership form below. Details of how to pay are included in the document.
We use Google Forms as a secure way of handling membership information. This helps us meet GDPR requirements and ensures that your data is handled carefully. We are always happy to help anyone who needs technical, practical or other help, as we wish to be as accessible to all, as we possibly can.
Please, submit your fully completed membership form and pay your membership fee asap, so we can start planning events.
The deadline for membership forms and payments, to be part of the Summer Open Studios event, is 29th FEBRUARY 2024. This permits us to plan and set up the arrangements for the main Open Studios and to put the details of participating artists on the website and in the brochure.
New members are welcome to join at other times in the year but, depending on deadlines, are unlikely to benefit from being in our brochure.
All members have a gallery entry on our website.